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Always get a Cell Phone Number for Showings

Further, make sure that they have your number so they can call if they are running late or have to cancel the appointment.

This creates accountability and reduced anonymity with potential tenants.

If someone refuses to provide a cell phone number, I will schedule the appointment anyway, but in the back of my mind know it’s a 50/50 chance of them showing up – but that rarely happens.

Far too often (especially with the Craigslist crowd), individuals will schedule a showing to tour your property, but then change their minds – for both legitimate and illegitimate reasons.

Sometimes they find another place before getting to yours, or sometimes emergencies come up. Other times, they just decide to not to show up. Regardless, if you have their cell number, you can follow-up with them after they are 10 minutes late for their appointment. Most importantly, it reduces the amount of time you have to wait around for a no-show

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